The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

Fruit Trees


If any customer ordering nut trees wishes to also plant a fine selection of fruit trees, Alexander Hunt from The Walnut Tree Company will be delighted to assist.

Through Alexander Hunt's nursery connections he is able to source the finest selections of varieties of apple, apricot, cherry, damson, fig, gage, plum, medlar, mirabelle, mulberry, nectarine, peach, pear and quince. Broadly speaking, he is able to source three to four of the best varieties of the these fruit trees.

This additional service proved very popular with some of his nut tree customers in 2016 and he is very keen to offer these trees to all of his future nut tree customers.


This fruit tree offering will be of particular interest to the specialist garden or commercial grower who wishes to enjoy a wide range of UK grown fruit and nut trees. Those customers that are fortunate enough to have sheltered, or even walled garden areas, are well advised to consider some of these fruit trees as they can be trained or grown in an espalier or shaped way.

These fruit trees can be despatched alongside any customers ordered nut trees and for any further help or information please contact Alexander Hunt direct on 01732 882734 or 07979 525 939 or email in the first instance.



Ashmead's Kernel Pale green aromatic fruit with strong, sweet-sharp, intense, acid drop flavour. Firm white flesh. Beautiful flowers. (Gloucester circa 1700)
Braeburn Crisp, firm, aromatic fruit. Excellent all round quality, but needs a good climate. Many highly coloured forms have been selected for commercial growers such as ‘Hillwell’, ‘Loch Buie’ and ‘Helena’ – they all taste the same! Plant in a sheltered, sunny spot.
Bramley 20 A compact version of Bramley’s Seedling – 20% less vigorous with heavier crops. Highly recommended for the garden especially if grown on M27 dwarf rootstock to create the perfect mini Bramley.
Christmas Pippin ® An exceptional high quality eating experience. We would happily say this is the ‘new garden Cox’ but unlike this classic vintage variety, Christmas Pippin flowers and crops heavily with beautiful honey-flvoured fruit that keeps well.
Cox`s Orange Pippin The original Cox with all the qualities expected from the finest flavoured apple in the world. Orange flush over greenish-yellow. Deep cream flesh has sweet aromatic flavour. Too difficult to grow successfully in gardens. Prone to disease.(Bucks. 19th Century)
Discovery Worcester Pearmain x Beauty of Bath. Bright red flush. Crisp and juicy with a hint of strawberry. An excellent early dessert apple with good disease resistance. (Langham, Essex 1949)
Egremont Russet The flesh is cream, tinged yellow, sweet and firm with a rich nutty flavour. The usual russet to be found in shops. (Sussex 19th Century)
Gala Kidd’s Orange Red x Golden Delicious. A reliable cropper of good, small, crisp and well flavoured fruit with a thin skin. One of the most popular eating apples in the world. Improved colour forms are grown commercially such as ‘Mondial’ and ‘Royal’ Gala which appear in the shops. (New Zealand 1934)
Grenadier Easy to grow, large early fruit which cooks to a sharp purée. The tree is compact making it ideal for the garden. A very good pollinator for Bramley. (Bucks. 19th Century)
Herefordshire Russet ® Cox’s Orange Pippin x Idared. The russet with a Cox flavour. Exceptional eating quality with a rich aromatic flavour. A winner in ‘taste testings’ around the country. The tree is well spurred, well shaped and moderately vigorous. The fruit set is heavy with small to medium sized fruit. Bred by Hugh Ermen. (Kent 2002)
James Grieve Red flush stripes over pale green. Crisp and juicy. Excellent flavour and reliable cropper – deservedly popular. (Edinburgh 1893)
Katy James Grieve x Worcester Pearmain. Heavy crops of bright red early fruit, with sweet, juicy, acid, firm flesh. Makes excellent fresh juice and even a palatable cider. Good pollinator. (Sweden 1947)
Red Falstaff ® The select red sport of ‘Falstaff ’. Fruity, well balanced flavour, crisp and juicy. Frost resistant and self fertile. One of the heaviest yielding varieties. Can be stored easily and eaten throughout the winter. Highly recommended for every garden. (Norfolk 1983)
Red Windsor ® Superb Cox type flavour and very self-fertile which produces heavy crops of delicious red fruit. Frost hardy and very compact growth. An ideal garden variety, easy to grow with good disease resistance and some frost resistance at blossom time. A sport of Alkmene which has Cox’s Orange Pippin parentage. (Hereford 1985)
Scrumptious ® Starkspur Goldon Delicious x Discovery. This apple is something very special. This is the most popular apple, self-fertile,tasty and east to grow. Named for its wonderful complexity of flavours it has been carefully bred and selected specifically for our garden conditions. Scrumptious is a mid season variety suitable for planting in all areas of the UK. It is also frost hardy when in flower, thin skinned for children and can be eaten straight from the tree at any time during September. The fruit will naturally stay on the tree without falling. When tasted by apple lovers, descriptions include: fragrant and honeyed, liquorice and wine, a bunch of cherries, fresh, aromatic, soft and delicate, crisp and sweet.
Worcester Pearmain Reliable crop of delicious orange-red fruit. Firm, juicy flesh is very sweet with strong strawberry flavour. At its best when ripened on the tree and just before it falls off. A seedling of Devonshire Quarrenden. (Worcester 19th Century)


Compacta ® A naturally dwarf Apricot perfect for patio growing or limited spaces. Maximum height of 2m. Large crops of juicy, tasty, orange fruit. Freestone and frost hardy.
Flavorcot ® Similar to Tomcot for size and quality. Large orange-red fruit with an excellent flavour. Self fertile. (France)
Tomcot ® This variety is far more reliable than other Apricots producing masses of flower and very large fruit with a strong red blush on an orange background. An intense apricot flavour. (France)
Vigama Large egg shaped, yellow orange with red blush. Aromatic and sweet. Frost resistant due to its flowering habit over several weeks. A robust tree, very suitable for less than ideal sites.


Morello The popular cooking cherry. Acid flavour. Very hardy and very reliable cropping. Ideal for north walls and makes the most delicious cherry pie, just add ice cream! ‘Nabella’ is often available which is another good sour cherry with slightly larger fruit.
Penny ® An outstanding quality black cherry that is firm, large and very late in the season. A recent UK introduced variety and one of the best commercial cherries for fruit growers. Not self fertile but is pollinated by any other self fertile variety. (East Malling, Kent 1998)
Stella Lambert x J.I.2420. This was the first self fertile sweet cherry to appear that set a standard for modern high yielding varieties for garden and orchard. A large, dark red cherry, reliable, Crops heavily with sweet and juicy fruit. (Canada 1968)
Sunburst Van x Stella. Large fruit, sweet with great flavour and texture. Self fertile and easy to pick. (Canada 1975)
Sweetheart ® Very precocious, firm with good flavour. One of the later picking varieties but well worth the wait as fewer cherries available in the shops at this time. Ripens unevenly to spread the season. A good polliantor (Van x Newstar, Canada 1990)


King of the Damsons Blue-black bloom and large fruit. Reliable cropper in mid September. (Notts. 1880)
Merryweather An unusually large plum sized damson both for dessert and culinary use. Reliable heavy crops. Self fertile. (Nottingham 1907)
Shropshire Prune The 'Greengage of Damson'. Native of the West Midlands. Small hedgerow damson – very reliable cropper with intense flavour, ideal for puddings and jam. Similar to the 'Westmorland' damson. (Shropshire 17th Century)


Brown Turkey Large, brown, pear-shaped fruit with a sugary, rich, red flesh and a good compact habit.
Brunswick Large pear-shaped fruit with green-yellow skin. Yellow flesh with a red centre. Leaves are ‘hand’ shaped.
Ice Crystal Very unusual, deeply divided leaves that appear in the shape of ice crystals making this a very ornamental plant. It is very hardy and also produces small, sweet, edible fruits.
White Marsailles Large, round, pale green fruit with translucent white flesh.


Cambridge Small, yellowish-green, juicy fruit, reliable. Good cropper and self fertile. Prefers a sheltered warm site. Will cross pollinate with plums. (Cambridgeshire)
Old Green Gage The RHS selected it for its excellent sweet flavour and more reliable crops. Partially self fertile. (UK)


Solissimo An improvement on 'Solo', producing larger and sweeter fruit. (UK)


Nottingham An attractive small tree, flat topped, with a spreading semi-weeping habit. The small russet fruits can be eaten when fully ripe from October onwards. Even when quite young the tree takes on a picturesque and architectural appearance. The flowers are large and pure white and the large leathery leaves turn a lovely russet-copper colour in autumn. (UK)


Countess A Superb, round, dark red/purple plummy fruit with a lovely flavour. The flesh is red to yellow with a wonderful melting texture, juicy and sweet. Partially self-fertile. (Ukraine)
de Nancy Yellow-orange with green tinges and red spots. Very small, roundish-ovate, freestone. Partially self fertile. Resistant to frost. Eat fresh from the tree or use for bottling and preserves. (France 16th Century)


Chelsea (King James I) There is a fascinating history to this black mulberry. It is derived from a tree that existed in the 17th century, in a garden in Swan Walk, which became the Chelsea Physic Garden, during the time of King James I. During the 1939/45 war the last remaining tree was about to be grubbed to make way for an air shelter when cuttings were taken and this variety has survived ever since in the trees of this name. Producing large and succulent fruit cropping early in life. Harvesting is best done each day. If hand picked the fruit will be bruised causing staining to fingers and clothes – children enjoy the experience of course! For a clean operation take a large sheet and lay it under the tree and shake the boughs vigorously. Any perfectly ripe fruit will fall and are subsequently gathered with ease. An intensely rich flavour. Add sugar, microwave, seive and pour over ice cream!
Carman This white fruited Mulberry is large and sweet, hardy and very productive from an early age (Canada)


Fantasia Crops in mid September, regular high productivity with good fruit size,yellow, juicy fruit flesh wit a very fine consistency. The tree is medium to strong vigo. Late nectarine with good overcolour and fine aromatical, spicy flavour.
Mesembrine Pretty pink flowers and flattened, smooth, yellow-red fruit with juicy, melting, yellow flesh in late summer. The sweetest flat nectarine!
Lord Napier One of the earliest and largest of all the nectarines. The skin has a very dark crimson cheek in full sun. Large fruit which crop early in season Melting and juicy white flesh. The flesh separates well from the stone (freestone). (Sawbridgeworth 1860)


Peregrine Still the most revered of all white fleshed peaches. It is of the finest flavour, intense and rich. Heavy cropping and suitable for sheltered situations. Freestone. (Rivers of Sawbridgeworth 1906)
Rochester The largest and most suitable of yellow fleshed types for outdoor cultivation. The flavour is very good with soft and juicy texture. Reliable cropper. Flowers late, missing early frosts.
Saturn An unusual, small, flat-shaped fruit, very sweet and succulent orange flesh, ideal for children especially with its nick-name Sat-on!


Beurré Hardy Medium-large, light green almost covered with bronze russet. Rough skin. Tender and juicy with rose water flavour. Good cropper. Vigorous tree and good for poor soils. (France 1820)
Concorde Conference x Doyenné du Comice. Medium to large fruit. Pale green turning yellow, some with large patches of gold or brown russet. Pale yellow flesh is sweet and juicy with a pleasant mild flavour. A sweet and juicy, heavy cropping, company growing pear Recognised as one of the best varieties for organic growing. (Kent 1977)
Conference One of the most consistent varieties and a firm garden favourite with good self fertility. Medium size yellowish-green with brown russet over areas of the fruit, occasionally pink flushed on chalk soil. Sweet and juicy. Good cropper. (Herts. 19th Century)
Doyenné du Comice A superb quality pear. Medium-large, pale green changing to yellow. Some fruits have a red flush. Pale yellow flesh has rich juicy flavour. Recognised for superb eating quality but needs good pollination – Conference or Williams’ Bon Chrétien would be ideal. (France 19th Century)
Williams' Bon Chrétien A good early eating variety, medium-large, pale green turning to golden yellow. Very juicy and sweet. Regular good cropper. (Aldermaston, Berkshire 18th Century)


Avalon Large, round-oval, red colour. One of the finest quality desserts. A strong growing tree with a tendency to be shy cropping in its early years and therefore recommended on Pixy rootstock. Partially self fertile. (Bristol circa 1980)
Czar Prince Englebert x Early Rivers. So named, as the first year it fruited was 1874, the year Tsar Alexander II visited Britain, the last Russian head of state to visit before President Putin in 2003. A medium, dark purple plum with a sweet yellow flesh. Can produce very heavy crops and always reliable. Self fertile. Good for eating, cooking and bottling. (Herts. 19th Century)
Opal Oullins Green Gage x Early Favourite. A very reliable cropper with firm, round, tasty fruit, Known as the early Victoria. A medium, reddish-purple fruit with superb flavour. Self fertile. (Sweden 1925)
Rivers Early Prolific As the name suggests a good, heavy cropping early season plum. Small, bluish-purple. A good dessert variety when fully ripe. (Herts. circa 1820)
Victoria The most popular plum: crops heavily with large, juicy plums. Oval, bright red fruit in late August-early September for dessert, bottling or canning. A clean freestone. Unfortunately disease prone but tolerable considering the quality and quantity that this variety produces. (Sussex 19th Century)


Meech's Prolific Like all quinces, has fruiting and ornamental qualities producing large, subtle pink flowers and very large, pear-shaped fruit. Yellow when ripe. Self fertile. (USA 1880)
Serbian Gold Highly productive variety from Serbia locally known as ‘Leschovach’, used for all culinary purposes including Quince Liqueur. A very healthy tree with good resistance to leaf blight also worthy of planting in larger numbers. Self fertile. (Serbia)
Vranja Large, pale green-yellow fruit similar in shape and size to Meech’s Prolific. (Serbia 1800)


Hand of Buddah A unique and unusual shaped citrus that is very easy to grow in UK conditions, giving fruits of great size with what appear to be multiple fingers. The very thick pithy centres of the fruits have a strong citrus flavour which are delicious served in drinks or can be cut to make a wonderful marmalade.
Meyer Lemon This very sweet lemon is famous across California for its flavour and aroma. The tree habit is compact and the crops large, typically 20 or 30 fruits on a tree of 3 years old. The flowers have a magnificent scent which fills the garden during early morning and evening.
Bergamot Orange This heavily scented citrus is one of the easiest citrus to grow in the UK. Whilst the fruits are not usually eaten raw, the skin and zest are used extensively across the world in perfumes and most commonly in the UK as the essential flavour of Early Gray Tea. A compact and evenly growing tree makes it ideal for patio planting.
Kaffir Lime or those that like Asian cuisine, Kaffir Lime is a must for the garden. The strangely knobbly green fruits are full of spicy perfumed juice whilst the zest brings a further dimension of flavour. The leaf of the Kaffir Lime is also extensively used and can be dried out in the sun for use throughout the year. Whilst the leaf is sold in good grocers, the fruits never are, so home growing is essential for all of these wonderful flavours.
Lime of Tahiti This lime is grown across the globe and is instantly recognisable. The small green fruits which ripen to a yellow-orange colour if left on the tree can be used in drinks and cokkery. The fruits are often held on the tree in small bunches and the crops can be considerable. The white blossom has a green tinge to the petal with a strong perfume to match.
Orange Bigardier This is the Saville Orange better known as the Marmalade Orange. This very evenly shaped tree is very suitable for growing in the soil as well as in pots. The crops can be very large as are the fruits, and if fully ripe the flesh is quite sweet. The fruits ripen in late winter and the whole fruit can be used in the marmalade production.
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